Here's What You Missed in St. Pete!

Association News,
The 2019 Transformer Association fall meeting was a great gathering of industry knowledge, networking and education.  The Don Cesar Hotel served as a fantastic host venue.  Located in St. Petersburg, Florida, the iconic pink façade rises from the white sandy beaches to the clear blue sky.  

For those members that were not able to attend, we missed you! Here is a recap of what you missed:

The Board of Directors and the IMA Working Group members met on Wednesday December 4.  A number of projects are being discussed for 2020 including technical programming, certification programs, and webinars. 

The Hurricane restaurant hosted TTA members for dinner on Wednesday evening, it was a great opportunity to catch up with friends and meet new contacts.

The program for the fall meeting provided valuable insight and take-a-ways for attendees.  Tracy Spears presented on temperament fluency for leaders, which described why people do the things they do.

Tom Morrison spoke to opportunities that are in front of business leaders as we move into a new decade, and how we can all capitalize on what the future holds. 

TTA honorary member, David Anderson, gave a valuable and insightful presentation on the evolution of the transformer industry.  Being able to tap into member knowledge and experience is what makes TTA membership so valuable. 

Lee and Terry Resnick led a discussion on succession planning during the Business Management Forum.  The presentation provided a guide to what business owners should look at to protect their company and assets.  George Slama led the TTA Technical and Engineering Forum in a discussion on transformer design. 

To conclude the fall meeting, TTA welcomed Alex Chausovky from the Institute for Trend Research.  Alex’s economic presentations are always very popular with TTA members.  The presentation provided a macroeconomic view of the economy as well as some predictions for the next business cycle.

If you were not able to attend the 2019 fall meeting, be sure to mark your calendar for the 2020 Spring meeting in Chicago.